所屬(shu)專輯:最初(chu)2010年歐美(mei)新歌速(su)(su)遞(di)2/也有(you)網(wang)站寫屬(shu)于(yu)Beautiful in White demo版。如今大多數是講歐美(mei)新歌速(su)(su)遞(di)。現于(yu)2017年被收錄在第(di)三(san)張錄音室專輯《Love Always》里。
最初發行時間(jian):2010年(事實上是(shi)Westlife未發行在(zai)他(ta)們(men)的新(xin)專輯中,而是(shi)在(zai)2010歐(ou)美新(xin)歌速(su)遞里(li),這(zhe)也就是(shi)為什么(me)說如今大多數人認為Beautiful in White屬于(yu)2010年歐(ou)美新(xin)歌速(su)遞2專輯)。
Shane,1979年生于愛爾(er)蘭,全名Shane Steven Filan,曾任西(xi)城男孩主唱,愛好騎馬(ma)、斯諾克、野營、高爾(er)夫,獲得了多項音樂類獎項。
Not sure if you know this
But when we first met
I got so nervous
I couldn't speak
In that very moment
I found the one and
My life had found it's missing piece
So as long as I live I love you
Will have and hold you
You look so beautiful in white
And from now 'til my very last breath
This day I'll cherish
You look so beautiul in white
What we have is timeless
My love is endless
And with this ring I
Say to the world