電視劇《新聞女王》的英文歌插曲歌名叫《Peaceful Moonlight》。是由江暉作詞,呂喬恩演唱。
2、《Crystal Clear》
《Crystal Clear》是TVB電視劇(ju)《新聞女王(wang)》的(de)(de)片尾曲,由呂喬恩(en)作詞(ci)(ci),江(jiang)暉作曲,演唱者(zhe)是炎(yan)(yan)明(ming)熹。歌(ge)詞(ci)(ci)描(miao)寫人(ren)的(de)(de)自(zi)我糾結和懷(huai)疑,與劇(ju)中角色在新聞職業世界當中掙扎(zha)成(cheng)長的(de)(de)故事超級貼合(he),被不(bu)少劇(ju)粉稱為“神插曲”。《Crystal Clear》以簡(jian)單的(de)(de)鋼琴伴(ban)奏(zou)開場,走心的(de)(de)歌(ge)詞(ci)(ci)講(jiang)述(shu)了在愛情(qing)中迷失自(zi)我,最終(zhong)找到真我的(de)(de)心路(lu)歷程,炎(yan)(yan)明(ming)熹Gigi無比深情(qing)的(de)(de)嗓(sang)音(yin)將歌(ge)曲中的(de)(de)情(qing)感表達(da)得淋漓(li)盡致。
歌曲《Crystal Clear》歌(ge)詞(ci)節(jie)選:
Feel the earth on the hill
I couldn't make it clear I'm so confused
Face to face
It's still a stranger face
Can't recognize who's in the mirror blurred and faded
Feel the heart silently
Through which I can see myself
It's crystal clear
I found a mirror somewhere in my heart
Beautiful it's beautiful deep inside my heart
Try to brighten up your eyes
Cos' the truth will never lie
Dust swiped away and make it clear in my mind
It's hard yet still have gotta try
Cos' the truth will never die
For always all the way all the time
In the darkness see the real you with your eyes
Remember it's you that is you
Feel the heart silently
Through which I can see myself
It's crystal clear