王嘉(jia)爾2018年(nian)新(xin)專(zhuan)輯。《Dawn of us》是王嘉(jia)爾對(dui)生(sheng)活的態度宣告:活在當(dang)下,用(yong)愛書寫新(xin)的篇章(zhang)!
“凡是過(guo)去,皆為序章”,就如(ru)《Dawn of us》歌中所唱:“Starting brand new chapter from today at dawn.We gon make it I know our sun won’t go down”(從黎明(ming)開始淬煉新的篇章,我們的光芒絕(jue)不會(hui)熄滅。)
Let it come
Let it come
Starting brand new chapter from today at dawn
We gon make it I know our sun won’t go down
Let it come
Let it come
Starting brand new chapter from today at dawn
We gon make it I know our sun won’t go down