Mummy don't know Daddy's getting hot at the Body Shop
Doing something Unholy
Lucky lucky girl she got married to a boy like you
She'd kick you out if she ever ever knew
'Bout all the you tell me that you do
Dirty dirty boy you know everyone is talking on the scene
I hear them whispering about the places that you've been
And how you don't know how to keep your business clean
Mummy don't know Daddy's getting hot at the Body Shop
Doing something Unholy
He's sat back while she's dropping it she be popping it
Yeah she put it down slowly
Oh ee oh ee oh he left his kids at h*e
時間 頒獎方 獎項名(ming)稱 獲獎方 結果
2023年(nian)1月12日 第43屆全英(ying)音樂獎 年(nian)度歌曲 《Unholy》 提名
2023年2月5日 第(di)65屆格萊美獎(jiang) 最佳流行合作 獲獎(jiang)