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Only Love(歌曲)
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《Only Love》是Trademark樂隊的第三張專輯《Only love》中最好聽的一首,低沉而富有磁性的嗓音講述了又一個令人感動的愛情。發跡于德國的三人樂團Trademark,由Achim Remling、Mirko Baumer、Sade ghian這三位喜歡音樂的好友所組成。
  • 外文名: Only Love
  • 主唱: Trademark
  • 類型: 流行音樂(le)
  • 片長: 4分6秒
  • 專輯: 《Only Love》
  • 作詞: Trademark
  • 作曲: Trademark
  • 語種: 英語
  • 發行/播出時間: 2000年03月13日(ri)
詳(xiang)細(xi)介紹(shao) PROFILE +

Two a.m. and the rain is falling

Here we are at the cross roads once again

You're telling me you're so confused

You can't make up your mind

This is meant to be you're asking me

But only love can say

Try again or walk away

But I believe for you and me

The sun will shine one day

So I'll just play my part

And pray you'll have a change of heart

But I can't make you see it through

That's something only love can do

In your arm as the dawn is breaking

Face to face and a thousand miles apart

I've tried my best to make you see

There's hope beyond the pain

If we give enough if we learn to trust

But only love can say

Try again or walk away

But I believe for you and me


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